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Super Smash Bros Melee Reanimate Project!

A bunch of talented animators from Ottawa got together to reanimate the intro of Super Smash Bros Melee.  I’m really proud to have been part of it!  It was great to create a scene in it’s entirety, from: design, colors, animation, effects and compositing!


A super cool closer look at one of the scenes from Smash Bros Reanimated! 

Source: mathieuhains reanimated animated animation fox star fox metroid smash bros melee nintendo video game cartoon

Here’s a quick clip from our current project, Power Rangers Reanimated, done by the talented Alex Brown. Look at how that light moves across his face - oh boy!

It’s coming together but we are still looking for animators to help out on this project! If you’re interested, get in touch - pokemonreanimated@gmail.com

tommy power rangers animated reanimated animation cartoon cool collaboration art

My contribution to the Pokemon Reanimated Project. Here’s the progression of the scene! Check it out here if you haven’t already scene it! Get it… scene it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1X3K0Fx5hU

And for those who are interested: Ash and Pikachu were traditionally animated ie a new drawing every frame, but the Pokemon in the background were constructed from symbol/parts and tweened in Flash.


One of the wackier contributions comes from Brad Weaver. Take a look at how this craziness came to be.

animation progression pokemon reanimated pikachu ash anime cartoon funny silly